Charlie directs the REPL. In his research he examines the design of digital systems for creative expression. His performance practice currently focuses on live coding, where performers write code to create audiovisual art and project their code to audiences. He has performed and presented his research across the US, Europe, and Asia.
Claire is a PhD student whose research interests include HCI, live coding, and augmented reality. Currently she is developing a collaborative live coding system for manipulating 3D geometries in augmmented reality, while also working on custom AR software to help students better understand and explore protein structures.
Darren is a PhD student working to foster the development of community around tools for creative expression. Holding an MFA from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, he is an accomplished audiovisual artist who regularly exhibits his work throughout New England and beyond.
Trevor Paley is a MS student interested in programming languages, cybersecurity, and web development. As part of the lab he is developing Necode, an online environment for in class, networked programming activities, supporting multiple languages and multimedia authoring.
Kit created Barbara, an environment for creating custom programming languages for graphics inspired by quilting, and has been performing with it for the 1.5 years. She recently presented Barbara at the Hybrid Live Interfaces Workshop. Kit is currently a software engineer at Microsoft while pursuing her MS at WPI.
Mikel has worked professionally on augmented reality projects for Bloomberg and helps lead many mixed reality and gaming projects at WPI. He also has worked extensively with the Jazz History Database, helping to modernize both its front-end interface and its backend server logic.
Cole completed a BS/MS degree at WPI, and developed Tinsl, a shader meta-programming language, as part of his Masters thesis. Before beginning his work on Tinsl he developed a number of other excellent libraries for post-processing graphics. Cole is also an expert Dwitterer (not a typo).
Kai is a lover of all things graphical. He worked on the rendering system for Meng, a live coding system developed for VR environments in the REPL. In the process he also created a fantastic plugin for raymarching in Unreal Engine 4.
CC worked on the user interface and evaluation for the VR live coding system Meng, and is interested in front-end development work. While completing her MS at WPI she also published papers with the Latency and Games Research Group.
Jian created a novel speech recognition for the live coding system Meng, combining a Java Speech Grammar with the ability to speak arbitrary phrases using the Google Speech-to-Text API. He published the speech-to-text plugin he created for the project as an open-source set of UE4 Blueprints nodes.
Liz is interested in graphic design, algorithmic animation, and front-end development. While earning her MS within the REPL, she created p5.Polar, a library and gamified tutorial for drawing and animating using polar coordinates. Liz is currently a software engineer for Microsoft.
Mariana is a musician and live coder who was inspired to create a new language for live coding, PHAD, as part of a group senior capstone project at WPI. She also worked on a JavaScript parser for the TidalCycles mini-language and performed many times while in Worcester. Mariana is currently a developer for MojoTech.